My ceramics practice has taught me to be present, to tap into the flow, to let go of expectations, and to sink into and appreciate the process.

Every gleena ceramics piece is handmade with care, and takes six to eight weeks to move through the process. I begin by mixing a batch of porcelain slip (liquid clay). This slip is my own formula which I have tinkered with over the years. It is high-fire porcelain, which means that pieces are extremely durable while remaining thin and light.

Because each edge is finished by hand, every piece develops a unique personality as it moves through the three firings: bisque firing, glaze firing, image firing. Bowls that come out of the same mould will shift slightly in the high-fire (2300°F) to create unique, one of a kind shapes. They stack inside one another, but not perfectly, which is just perfect.

The shapes, soft sugary colors, and imagery are inspired by my childhood summers spent at grandma’s country house. Surrounded by carefully tended gardens and apple trees, the house was a gathering place for family and friends. Evocative of those simple warm days, the gleena porcelain line is meant to be used in your life daily.

If you are visiting Cleveland, and would like to stop by the studio and browse available pieces, please email me to make an appointment. The shop/studio is located at 3619 Walton Ave, not far from the exciting Treemont and Ohio City neighborhoods.

Currently I am not taking on wholesale or custom orders.