OVERLAP Gallery, Newport, RI
A creative space housing a sculpture studio, an exhibition art space, and a retail shop.

CHALLENGE: When Asya designed the logo and developed the website, there were no images as the building was under construction. The gallery was a few months from the grand opening, with exhibiting artists yet to be determined. How to bring interest to a website without photography?

SOLUTION: Working with Stitzlein Studio to animate the logo, revealing OVERLAP in an engaging, fun way as it “drops” into Newport. After the first exhibit went live, the animation moved over to the VISIT page.

WEBSITE MAINTENANCE: Asya continues to update the website with new content, images, and videos.

POSTCARDS: Asya designs postcards for each show, building on the brand identity that was established with the logo and website.

Being a brand new business, the evolution of OVERLAP is inevitable. With that in mind, and to avoid brand fatigue in the future, the logo is designed to be versatile. With options to be used as an outline, shades of grey, or filled with color, it conveys the founding philosophy of the gallery: evolving convergence of art, craft, and design in an intimate, modern setting.

SIGNAGE: Designed by Asya, the stainless steel sign was manufactured and installed by Moritz Wood+Metal. Asya conceived the sign as a floating sculpture on the building, the shadows it would create just as important as the sign itself. Mike at MWM meticulously developed and produced the concept. Painted a cheery yellow on the front to warm up the austere exterior, the back is painted pink and gives a subtle pink glow to the metal siding behind the sign.

“Working with Asya to design and implement our branding and website was a real pleasure. She first helped us to articulate our vision for our business and then amplified that vision with her design choices. I know I can count on her to create something that is both beautiful and in line with our goals.”

~Susan Matthews, Founder
