M.HOBEN : an artist working in Rhode Island.

CHALLENGE: M.Hoben is a painter, writer, and sculptor. It is important for them to ask questions and explore the boundaries our society has assigned to others.

SOLUTION: M.Hoben’s art is gestural, full of movement and expressive strokes. The name we came up with is ambiguous, just like their work. Derived from their signature, the logo is either falling apart or coming together and forming from particles. Or is it written with lipstick? In the 1930s, lipstick was seen as a symbol of adult sexuality. Teenage girls believed that lipstick was a symbol of womanhood, yet adults saw it as an act of rebellion. M.Hoben’s art is a form of rebellion against the status quo.

SQUARESPACE WEBSITE COACHING: We met once a week for eight weeks to work on content, form, structure, and voice. The design evolved as M.Hoben clarified within themselves what is important to them. Asya encouraged M.Hoben to write and trained them to edit text and update their galleries in Squarespace as they create more work.

“We had some ‘ah-ha’ moments when we collaborated our ideas. I found that to be inspiring and powerful.”

